Additional Resources
Whether or not you participate in a training, check out these great resources for ideas on how to make your program safer & healthier.
Get parents involved: Download this fact sheet and give it to parents along with a letter about your efforts to become more eco-healthy. Check out our sample letter. Share the Safe Baby Products Guide with them - using this brochure .
Consider making your facility Eco-Healthy Child Care® (EHCC) endorsed. Download the checklist to see the requirements, or learn more at their website:
Go beyond the basics: educate yourself and your staff about chemical hazards. Use these fact sheets to build your knowledge of product and chemical safety.
Quick and easy: Check out this comprehensive list of cleaner recipes from Finger Lakes Buy Green. Note: these are not approved sanitizers or disinfectants; use only EPA-registered products where sanitizing or disinfecting is required.
Try something new: We've compiled a new, easy-to-use table of EPA-registered sanitizers and disinfectants that are asthma-friendly and Eco-Healthy. Take a look! Note: if you want to make a change, please contact your Health Care Consultant and update your health care plan before switching to a new product.
Other great resources:
Early Care and Education Green Cleaning Toolkit from Center for Environmental Research and Children's Health.
Still have a question? Ask! Email Bobbi at