Join us to celebrate
16 years of impact!
Wednesday, September 28th
Revolution Hall in Troy, NY
Wednesday, September 28th
Revolution Hall in Troy, NY
What we do
Since 2006, Clean and Healthy New York has worked to “turn off the tap” of toxic chemicals flowing into our society and economy, by changing laws, shifting markets, and empowering people to advance innovative solutions and create a sustainable economy.
Our motto is: Together we win. Core to our strategy and mission is working with a broad and diverse array of people, communities, organizations, and sustainable businesses, sharing information and resources to empower our common efforts to eliminate toxic chemicals from all aspects of our lives.
We follow scientific evidence and do not spin or slant it. We are truthful and transparent with the public and everyone with whom we work and expect the same of others. We put the public interest above all other concerns.
We take the long view, looking ahead to see how decisions made now—in regulation, manufacturing, or the marketplace—will impact people in the future. We are thoughtful about unintended consequences as well as the full life cycle of materials, products, and policies. We strive to turn off the tap on toxic chemicals before they harm people and communities.
We are committed to an equitable, just, and inclusive society. We are intentionally anti-racist and oppose gender oppression. In all of our decisions, we consistently ask ourselves: Who is most impacted? Who is left out? Who is empowered? Whose voices are not yet being heard? We center justice in our decision-making and aim to dismantle structures of inequality and discrimination.
To make toxic chemicals and products unthinkable, we speak truth to power, reimagine what’s possible, push for bold change, and are innovative, tenacious, and persistent.
Clean and Healthy New York’s work would not be possible without the ongoing support of people like YOU. You make a difference when you join us for an advocacy day, make a donation, and share our work with your friends.
"I continue to donate to CHNY because CHNY gets things done. It is a lean, goal-oriented, science-driven organization that continues its track record of successfully moving issues in Albany."
Dr. Philip J. Landrigan, MD, MSc,
Director, Global Public Health Program and Global Pollution Observatory
Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society
Boston College
Make an impact by sending letters, join an advocacy day, or make a phone call to decisionmakers - find out how below.
Your support helps ensure toxic chemicals are an unthinkable part of our past. Give today!
The Clean and Healthy New York team is on a growth path! Want to be part of it? Click below to see all open volunteer, intern, and staff positions.
Join us at our upcoming events!